Tennison Times

Scott, Mindy, Hayden and Jack want to welcome you to our family blog.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My girl!

Pajama Day!

Hayden had pajama day at school last week. This pic is a little blurry because I took it with my phone. She looked so cute in her minnie mouse jommies and her slippers. She had to have piggy tails to match. They got to bring their favorite stuffed animal or whatever they sleep with. We took bunny foo foo that she has had since she was little bitty and of course blankey. On another not Haydi is not taking her paci at school for naps at all. She has done so well with that. She hasn't missed it or even asked for it. I am so proud of her, she is getting so big.

On a roll!

Jack rolled over this morning for the first time, yay! He went from back to stomach. He was next to me on the bed (hmm, hmm) and I had just nursed and laid him back down. He was fidgiting and trying to get comfy and when he rolled over on his side he just kept on coming on over. When he got over on his belly it was like "ahh" and he just crashed. Sweet boy, we love you! He will be 4 months old tomorrow so I will post his stats after we go to the doctor on Monday.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mother's Day Out!

Well, my little Haydi started MDO last week. She has done so well. She has not cried one time when I have dropped her off. She likes her teacher and has played really well with the other kiddos. Every parent I'm sure wants their child to do well and not cry and throw a fit when they are left, but I am so proud of her. She has never been with anyone but family and is with me every day so I was a little nervous at how she would do but she has done wonderful. Such a big girl!
P.S. I'll post pics when I can get them downloaded to my computer.

3 month pic!

Here is Jack's 3 month chair pic. It's hard to believe he is already 3 months, really 3 1/2 now. He is such a joy to our family. We love this little boy!


Lots to blog about but we have been super busy. I still don't have a memory card for my camera so I have to download pics from my phone which is a beating. I will do it soon though and update everyone on the happenings at the Tennison household.